Online storage and sharing – Dropbox, Onenote and Evernote, Google Drive

Thing 20 deals with online storage and sharing of files. With people now owning multiple devices such as mobile phones, laptops and tablets the need is felt for having files available when and where we need them from whatever device we choose. These cloud storage tools also allow for the sharing of large files which is not always possible via email due to size limitations.

I currently use Dropbox and Google Drive for managing my own personal files and sometimes even for sharing large files with family and friends. However, I do not use these tools at work. At St. Martins Institute we have a dedicated Moodle platform set up for each subject which enables lecturers to share all course material with our students and even access these from any computer with an Internet connection. This completely eliminates the need for using cloud storage to share readings, presentations and other course material with students.

For the purpose of this exercise I also explored Onenote and Evernote. As such these are very similar to Dropbox and Google Drive so I have no particular use for them yet. However I will keep them in mind for when I run out of storage space on Dropbox and Google Drive :).